Xat (BatePapo)

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Oi galera sejam bem vindos ao sonic generations portal aqui vc vai ver os melhores mods para sonic adventure dx o emulator ds,tuturial como jogar jogos no emulator ds os jogo do nintendo ds são Sonic Chronicles - The Dark Brotherhood,Sonic Rush Adventure,Sonic Rush,Sonic Colors,Sonic Sega All Star Tennis etc... aproveitem

aviso de ultima hora

                                      só à 3 vagas para ser dá equipe se quiser só colocar
                                                                 nome no xat
                                                              personagen favorito
                                                                jogo preferido

                                                               até o dia 6 de setembro


mods para seu sonic adventure dx

SADX Next Gen characters
It s a character pack MADE BY PABLODRAGO, NOT by me.

3 Hedgehogs, Omega and Supers: http://www.sendspace.com/file/zcv38q

To make them work, you need to download another .exe

Characters switched using SADX Trainer (Dont have the link, so dont ask)

Song: "Born this Way" by the queen of pop, Lady Gaga


Enjoy :3

Super Pack next gen:

Enjoy the 5.0 version of the Super Pack!

Download: http://www.4shared.com/file/ZiZHIqXc/SADX_-_Super_Pack_Mods_-_Verso.html

Update 1: http://www.4shared.com/file/zaU3NzPu/Update_1_-_Musics_-_Msicas_-_V.html

Update 2: http://www.4shared.com/file/wEFgEdDY/Upgrade_2_-_Musics_-_Msicas_-_.html

sadx sonic models pack

The models have been exported in SADX by me, Fiamonder (minus the 10 and DX).

Most models have been created by SEGA/Sonic Team, but the Sonic Battle model was made by Bagjac.

I'm terribly sorry for the quality of the video, It actually took me two days to get it render right, I have one of the most crappiest laptops out there. It's a Acer, it isn't even a year old and tells me that my 7 is illegal, and it isn't, battery is also messed up, it can't run without errors, it has a very low storage and lags alot so I can't download Vegas or any other good editing program. Yes, I used Windows Movie Maker. I had to split every clip in six pieces, and render it, and take the other clip, render it, etc., then put all rendered clips in one timeline, and it finally worked. The original video was 10 minutes long, but it just had to mess up. Well, it worked after all this crap, so it's sadly only two minutes.

Bah, It took three times to upload this video due to using a song of Red Hot Chilli peppers, curse you WMG!

I've tried to do a Sonic Heroes model and Sonic the Fighters model, but they both failed. I fixed the uv's on the Heroes model, but I had some crashing issues. I could've fixed them, but I was lazy as always. And the Sonic the Fighters
model has already been exported by m13k13, but I don't know if he's going to release that.

All changes has been made in the DLL, so you don't need a exe, except for Kirby. Kirby has it's jumpball removed, and you can only disable the jumpball in the exe properly.

Here are some fun facts:

-The models were made out of pure boredom
-The models were done in one week
-I can't UV map
-Sonic Riders' hoverboard is a custom model by me, since It's nowhere to be found on the Internet appearently.
-I've done a '06 Sonic and SA2B Sonic, but those aren't getting released for some reasons
-My personal favorite is the Sonic Riders model

And that's pretty much it for now. If you're going to use one of these models in a Youtube video, make sure to credit me in the description or on the video whatever, and a video response to my pack video would also be nice.


SA2DX SA2 Sonic Model

Here it is the first ever release of an sa2 sonic modelhttp://www.mediafire.com/?kdirmou4u2gatch
PVM Made by JD11Rulz(Dash TH) Model by FrostTH1 and sonic.exe by KIngofshadow4 and credit to TiggoCS for the pre killed morph target exe 


Again recorded with iPod touch 4G

Me: Model and animations
Ron INC: sounds, The level
FrostTH: Mono Beetle

ALSO! I forgot the Beetle PVM, here it is:
sadx shadow next gen

Descarga (Download):
SADX Hacks (My web)(SuperShadow Upgrade):

Jogos LF2

Sonic vs Lf2 0.9
This Is me playing Sonic vs LF2
Credit To SonicBleachFan
Download Here: http://www.mediafire.com/?drrvzij7fkru7lv
Mirrored Version: http://www.mediafire.com/?m85lvfmjuz3n77j

jogue tambem

Gifs Para Msn Do Tails

Gifs Para Msn Do Sonic Unleashed

Gifs Para Msn Do Sonic

fonte de:Power Sonic

Icones Para Msn

 Pacote de ícones com os maiores ídolos do videogame, Mario, Link, Sonic, Pacman e Bomberman!

 Este é um pacote de ícones perfeito para os fãs de jogos. Ele traz cinco ícones exclusivos e de alta qualidade para você enfeitar o seu desktop com os maiores ídolos da era dos videogames. Perfeito para todas as idades, os ícones ilustram os personagens Mario, Link, Sonic, Pacman e Bomberman, para você usar onde quiser e deixar seu computador com a sua cara!

Além de ser compacto, possuindo apenas 382 KB, o pacote é livre de adwares e spywares que ameacem a sua segurança. Por isso, você pode usar as imagens com muita tranqüilidade e conforto, dispondo de cinco ícones de 16x 16 pixels cada.

  1. http://ibxk.com.br/46235/24227.jpg